Two projects PreviewLabs worked on over the past years were featured in the Forbes Top 50 VR Games of 2019. Both Invite Only VR, which we built for XR Pediatrics at Yale University, and Journey For Elysium, for which we built a rowing physics prototype, were featured in this prestigious list.
Invite Only VR is a vaping prevention game, helping teens avoid nicotine addiction. In the game, players learn to understand the dynamics of peer pressure, practice strategies for refusing, and gain knowledge about vaping. It was used in a non-randomized controlled trial which concluded that the game has a positive impact on common psychological factors associated with behaviour change.
Journey For Elysium is a VR adventure game developed by Belgian game studio Mantis Games. The main mode of transport for the player in this game is a rowboat. Mantis Games worked with PreviewLabs to prototype the rowing physics which were used in the game. In this prototype, we took into account various factors like the direction in which the player is rowing with the oar, as well as acceleration of the boat when descending on a waterway.
You can find the full list, which includes other games like Asgard’s Wrath, Ace Combat 7, and Angry Birds VR, on the Forbes website.
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