

3 Most Popular Posts of 2011 – and Other Website Statistics

3 Most Popular Posts of 2011 – and Other Website Statistics

Keeping our blog up to date is great fun and while some comments are very insightful, we have to commit a lot of time to it. As the year comes to a close, we think it’s an ideal time to check whether our writing efforts really pay off in terms of page views and visitors.



Delivering stellar results as fast as possible is what we’re all about, so it only makes sense to echo that principle in everything we do. Please excuses us when the tweets on our brand new twitter account are less than 140 characters. If it can be done well but quicker, we do it quicker. 

Social Game Marketing and Cross-Promotion

Social Game Marketing and Cross-Promotion

Please help me feed my cows or grow a field of turnips. If these sentences don’t sound weird to you, you really need to start blocking your Facebook friends who launch these Farmville requests. Social network games are all the rage right now, but making a profit from them is easier said than done.