Study results published regarding the VRReliever prototype built for XR Health.
Research Papers
Study Shows PreviewLabs AR Prototype is Effective for Facial Artery Visualization
Study Shows PreviewLabs AR Prototype is Effective for Facial Artery Visualization
A prototype developed by PreviewLabs was used in a study to test the possibility of using augmented reality for visualizing arterial atonomy of the face.
[Press Release] Yale Study with Teens Concludes: VR Game Prototype Developed by PreviewLabs has Potential to Prevent Vaping
[Press Release] Yale Study with Teens Concludes: VR Game Prototype Developed by PreviewLabs has Potential to Prevent Vaping
New Haven, Connecticut: Findings from a Yale University School of Medicine study evaluating the effectiveness of “Invite Only VR: A Vaping Prevention Game”, a virtual reality game prototype for vaping prevention, were recently published in the Journal of Addictive Behaviors. PreviewLabs, a rapid game prototyping studio, developed the game prototype for the Yale play4REAL XR Lab […]
Formative Research for InvestiDate Prototype Explores how Black Teens use Social Media when Dating
Formative Research for InvestiDate Prototype Explores how Black Teens use Social Media when Dating
In a formative study, researchers explored how Black teenage girls use social media to find and evaluate potential romantic partners. The results of the study lead to the InvestiDate project, which was developed by PreviewLabs.
Prototype Integrated with CO Detector Effective at Detecting Smoking Status, Yale Study Finds
Prototype Integrated with CO Detector Effective at Detecting Smoking Status, Yale Study Finds
A study concluded that MoMba Live Long is an effective tool to utilize in the fight against smoking.
Children’s Hospital of Orange Covers Study that Laid Groundwork for PreviewLabs’ Pain Buddy Prototype
Children’s Hospital of Orange Covers Study that Laid Groundwork for PreviewLabs’ Pain Buddy Prototype
The Pediatric Blood & Cancer Journal has published a study involving the precursor to our work on the Pain Buddy prototype.
PreviewLabs Prototype Highlights Potential Of Motion Tracking in Measuring Avoidance Behavior
PreviewLabs Prototype Highlights Potential Of Motion Tracking in Measuring Avoidance Behavior
Three studies utilizing the YIKES prototype, developed by PreviewLabs for Dr. Eli H. Lebowitz, PhD at the Yale Child Study Center, indicate the potential of motion tracking devices to measure avoidance behavior in children and adults.
[Press Release] Research Establishes Motion Tracking Game as Superior Way to Measure Avoidance in Anxiety Disorders
[Press Release] Research Establishes Motion Tracking Game as Superior Way to Measure Avoidance in Anxiety Disorders
A peer-reviewed scientific paper by Dr. Eli Lebowitz (Yale’s Child Study Center’s Anxiety & Mood Disorders Program) and Bernard Francois (Founder of PreviewLabs) describes how YIKES, a motion tracking game prototyped by PreviewLabs, results in a new and more effective way to measure behavioral avoidance…
Yale Research Uses Game Prototype to Measure Anxiety
Yale Research Uses Game Prototype to Measure Anxiety
Researchers of Yale University have recently published their results of a study about anxiety and we’re very happy to announce they reached a potentially groundbreaking conclusion using a motion controlled game prototype developed by PreviewLabs.