
PreviewLabs Develops First Multiplayer Game on Microsoft HoloLens – a Guest Post on the Photon Blog

PreviewLabs had the honor of being able to write this guest post about our Mixed Reality prototype Buggy Blasters on the Photon blog. Photon is the leading third-party multiplayer technology for both Unity and Unreal, which we have been using with since 2013 for the majority of our multiplayer prototypes.

Screenshot of the Photon Blog.

Creating a multiplayer experience in augmented reality was interesting for Photon users.

In this rather technical blog post we explain:

  • The challenges of creating a multiplayer game with multiple AR devices;
  • How players can play Buggy Blasters together with their AR devices even when they aren’t physically in the same room;
  • Our development process using Unity.

You can read the full blog post on the official Photon blog here.

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