This weekend, during my spare time, I participated in the Ludum Dare #19 competition.
Just like in the Global Game Jam, the goal is to make a game in 48 hours. Only with this competition, you need to do it alone: game design, programming, graphics and music.
The theme – Discovery – was announced on Friday, 3AM (local time).
The game I made is called Scarab Amazing and is a combination of the game mechanics of Scarab of Ra (a game from 1987 on Apple System 6) and the aMAZEing labyrinth (a board game from 1986, which is still on sale).
Both games are all about exploring a maze and discovering items.
The black & white art style was inspired on Mad World, and the music on the Egyptian setting of Scarab of Ra and the darkness of the graphics’ style.
The game can be played here (online, or as Windows or OS X download), and the development blog can be found here.
As usual for Ludum Dare competition entries, I have made a: while developing the game, every 30 seconds a screenshot was taken and used to create this movie.