What better way to highlight your fifth anniversary than throw a killer birthday party? We rounded up a cosy gathering of friends and colleagues for a night of food, drinks, and of course prototypes. Happy birthday to us!
4 Years of Rapid Game Prototyping
4 Years of Rapid Game Prototyping
Congratulations to ourselves! PreviewLabs is turning four and since we’re all out of cake and sparkling wine, we’re celebrating with a list of the most popular blog posts and an overview of the geographic distribution of our clients from the past four years.
How it All Started
How it All Started
We didn’t become an authority on rapid game prototyping from one day to the next: every successful company has a passionate origin story and ours was recently featured in the Dutch magazine Ondernemers. Read on for some highlights of our short yet thriving history.
PreviewLabs Covered in Belgian Press
PreviewLabs Covered in Belgian Press
Since we don’t make our own commercial products, we never get covered by the specialist games press. So we were very delighted when De Tijd, the biggest financial newspaper in Belgium, interviewed us for a lengthy story about our games lab.
Status Update
Status Update
Have you ever been so busy writing code you have forgotten what it feels like to write actual words? There’s so much going on right now that we’ve not been able to keep you updated, but we’ve summarized it below. Who needs eloquence when you’ve got bullet points?
Delivering stellar results as fast as possible is what we’re all about, so it only makes sense to echo that principle in everything we do. Please excuses us when the tweets on our brand new twitter account are less than 140 characters. If it can be done well but quicker, we do it quicker.
The Cronos Group
The Cronos Group
Next to a huge amount of blood, sweat and tears, starting up a company also costs a ton of money. PreviewLabs would never have happened without the precious help of IT consulting group Cronos. They’re handling our paperwork, paying our bills and, if we ask nicely, they might even do our laundry.