We’re looking to hire up to four additional full time team members across three different roles to join us across our offices on either side of the Atlantic. Read on for details on what each of the roles are about.
Exploring AI and New Uses of Augmented Reality
Exploring AI and New Uses of Augmented Reality
At PreviewLabs we’re always exploring new technologies to prototype for our clients. Wouter Standaert, an engineering student at the University of Ghent, joined us for his internship to experiment with artificial intelligence and new uses of augmented reality.
Famine Ties: Conceptualization of a Card Game about the Irish Famine
Famine Ties: Conceptualization of a Card Game about the Irish Famine
Famine Ties – the story of the not so Great Irish Hunger, and of how we defined requirements, brainstormed, and selected an interesting card game with interaction between a character during the famine and her modern-day descendant.
Exploring Augmented Reality View Sharing Using HoloLens
Exploring Augmented Reality View Sharing Using HoloLens
The story behind one of our HoloLens prototypes. This one was created for sales people to help explore possible use cases of augmented reality or ‘mixed reality’.
Meet The Team: Jordan Lipton
Meet The Team: Jordan Lipton
What makes business developers tick? The first American PreviewLad ever revealed in this exclusive interview. Only on previewlabs.com!
Dr. Eli Lebowitz on Prototype Measuring Behavioral Avoidance
Dr. Eli Lebowitz on Prototype Measuring Behavioral Avoidance
We decided to sit down with Dr. Lebowitz to hear more about how the YIKES prototype is being used in research today around the world.
PATRONUS: Prototype Treats Anxiety with Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy
PATRONUS: Prototype Treats Anxiety with Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy
All about VR Exposure Therapy and how we used it in PATRONUS, an imec.icon project.
This is what Programmers do During Lunch
This is what Programmers do During Lunch
At our Belgian office, you won’t see members of our team partaking in a dull and lifeless lunch break. An inside view in what makes game prototyping programmers happy during lunch time.
Continuing our Expansion: Looking for a Project Manager and Programmer
Continuing our Expansion: Looking for a Project Manager and Programmer
Muahahaha – we’re looking for a project manager and programmer in Wetteren and/or New Haven to keep up with our world domination plans…
smokeSCREEN VR Update With play4REAL Lab
smokeSCREEN VR Update With play4REAL Lab
Excited to share an update on smokeSCREEN VR with a guest post on the website of the play4REAL Lab!
Game Developers Conference 2018 Highlights
Game Developers Conference 2018 Highlights
The biggest gathering of game developers took place last week in San Francisco. A report from the trenches.
Want to be a Game Prototyping Programmer? We’re Hiring Again!
Want to be a Game Prototyping Programmer? We’re Hiring Again!
2018 is shaping up to be a year filled to the brim with exciting projects. Time to ++ our team size! Read more about the Game Prototyping Programmer position here.
Where Does Prototyping End and Production Begin?
Where Does Prototyping End and Production Begin?
If we had a Frequently Asked Questions section on our website, the questions “Do you also do the development after prototyping?“ and “How far should we take the prototyping process?“ would be high on the list…
Teaching Calculus with a Game
Teaching Calculus with a Game
Do you think learning calculus can only be tedious? Take a look at the gameplay video of Cartes – and think again!
Buggy Blasters – The Making of a Multiplayer HoloLens Game Prototype
Buggy Blasters – The Making of a Multiplayer HoloLens Game Prototype
In this video post, Bernard tells the story of how we ended up creating the first multiplayer game (prototype) on the Windows Store for HoloLens: Buggy Blasters.