
Game Prototype about Healthy Dating Decisions Covered on TV on Channel 8 News

The InvestiDate prototype, which we built for the Yale play4REAL Lab, was featured on Channel 8 news in Connecticut. InvestDate is used in a study to help helps Black teens make healthy dating decisions through an online game aimed to encourage discussion and interaction between its players, reminiscent of games such as those in the Jackbox Party series.

InvestiDate on Channel 8

Channel 8 featured the prototype in light of the Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.

The clip explains how the game works and how it aims to reduce taboo around topics like STIs.

In the clip:

  • You will see footage of the prototype in action;
  • Dr. Ijeoma Opara of the Yale School of Public Health explains why the game focuses on Black girls and how it can potentially be expanded to a male audience as well as other groups;
  • The relevance of the game in light of the Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month is underlined.

See the full article on the official Channel 8 website.

Also posted in Press

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