Although we’re very confident about our work, it’s always exciting to see a prototype shown off for the first time in public. Even more so when the stage for the presentation is none other than the renowned Game Developers Conference in San Francisco!
Siegebreaker Prototype and Documentation Released
Siegebreaker Prototype and Documentation Released
What happens at PreviewLabs is pure sorcery and it’s not often we let our readers in on the magic we concoct behind closed doors. But since we’re feeling generous, we just released all documentation on the Siegebreaker prototype. There’s even a playable build!
5 New Prototype Videos
5 New Prototype Videos
Following the logic that a picture tells more than a thousand words, a video must tell more than a couple of books. And seeing as we’ve got no less than five prototype videos for your viewing pleasure, that means we just have saved you a LOT of reading.
University Projects
University Projects
Game developers aren’t the only group of people in need of prototypes, we lend our services to academic researchers as well. Behind the jump we’re elaborating on three wildly fascinating science projects we’ve been working on in the past two years.
Technology Research 2013
Technology Research 2013
For PreviewLabs, keeping up with new technologies is of the utmost importance. Balancing the actual prototyping with doing research isn’t always easy, so we put our intern Peter on the job. Here are some topics he will look into so we can build better prototypes for a wider array of platforms.
Panic! Announced for PlayStation Mobile
Panic! Announced for PlayStation Mobile
Panic!, a game by Thumbs Up has been announced by Ripstone as one of the launch titles for Sony’s forthcoming PlayStation Mobile platform, and we’re proud to announce we have developed the prototype for the game!
Status Update
Status Update
Have you ever been so busy writing code you have forgotten what it feels like to write actual words? There’s so much going on right now that we’ve not been able to keep you updated, but we’ve summarized it below. Who needs eloquence when you’ve got bullet points?
Siegebreaker: Game vs Prototype
Siegebreaker: Game vs Prototype
Siegebreaker, the tower defense game by Crazy Monkey Studios we prototyped for, has been out for a couple of weeks now and the fine gentlemen at CMS are cool with us talking about the different steps we took and problems we faced while building their prototype.
Siegebreaker Announced by Crazy Monkey Studios
Siegebreaker Announced by Crazy Monkey Studios
As PreviewLabs is mainly involved with premature game development, we often have to keep our mouths shut about cool projects we’ve worked on. One of the reasons we’re so excited for the announcement of Siegebreaker, is we can finally start talking about it ourselves as well.
2D Game Prototyping in Unity3D: Orthographic Projection
2D Game Prototyping in Unity3D: Orthographic Projection
Continuing our series on 2D Game Development in Unity3D we’ll take a look at the final method we’ve utilized so far. When the use of a GUI Class or Sprite Manager System doesn’t cut it, you might want to look at the game through another camera angle, thus using ortographic projection.
Customer Testimonial: Pitching Video Game Ideas
Customer Testimonial: Pitching Video Game Ideas
We’re convinced that spicing up your game pitch with a playable prototype radically increases your chances of successfully landing a publisher deal. But you don’t have to take our word for it: our client Thumbs Up Games explains in detail how they found an interested publishing party at gamescom.
BoulderBridge, Published by FromPix
BoulderBridge, Published by FromPix
When we just started out as a company and our name wasn’t as renowned as it is today, we made a prototype for a game we largely finished ourselves. It’s been sitting on the shelf for far too long but now it’s finally been released. So there you have it: our very first own game!
Color Collider Documentation Available
Color Collider Documentation Available
We’re opening our doors once again to give you a unique look into the inner workings of our company. This time we take a look at the prototyping process of Color Collider, the colorful puzzle game by our client Crazy Monkey Studios that’s published by Capcom.
Prototyped Game Released by Capcom
Prototyped Game Released by Capcom
We’re honored to add another published game to our list of projects we prototyped for. The credit goes to Crazy Monkey Studios that have just released their colorful puzzle game Color Collider on the App Store. We know it’s great fun, because we helped think up the concept.
Gremlin Prototype
Gremlin Prototype
We’re back from a deep dive into our archives to unearth the very first prototypes we developed for our trusted client Crazy Monkey Studios. Make the jump to find videos of different iterations of the prototype as well as the design recommendations that went with them.