

PreviewLabs Prototype Highlights Potential Of Motion Tracking in Measuring Avoidance Behavior

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PreviewLabs Prototype Highlights Potential Of Motion Tracking in Measuring Avoidance Behavior

Three studies utilizing the YIKES prototype, developed by PreviewLabs for Dr. Eli H. Lebowitz, PhD at the Yale Child Study Center, indicate the potential of motion tracking devices to measure avoidance behavior in children and adults.

AP News Article Discusses YIKES Prototype and Accompanying Clinical Study

AP News Article Discusses YIKES Prototype and Accompanying Clinical Study

AP News released an article about the YIKES project we developed with Eli Lebowitz, assistant professor at the Child Study Center at Yale University and Director of the Anxiety and Mood Disorders Program. YIKES is a prototype developed to meassure avoidance behaviour through motion-tracking technology. 

[Press Release] Research Establishes Motion Tracking Game as Superior Way to Measure Avoidance in Anxiety Disorders

[Press Release] Research Establishes Motion Tracking Game as Superior Way to Measure Avoidance in Anxiety Disorders

A peer-reviewed scientific paper by Dr. Eli Lebowitz (Yale’s Child Study Center’s Anxiety & Mood Disorders Program) and Bernard Francois (Founder of PreviewLabs) describes how YIKES, a motion tracking game prototyped by PreviewLabs, results in a new and more effective way to measure behavioral avoidance…

[Press Release] PreviewLabs, Inc. to Prototype Oculus-Funded Virtual Reality Vaping Intervention Game for Yale play4REAL

[Press Release] PreviewLabs, Inc. to Prototype Oculus-Funded Virtual Reality Vaping Intervention Game for Yale play4REAL

PreviewLabs, Inc., has been chosen by Yale’s Center for Health & Learning Games new play4REAL lab to prototype a serious virtual reality game for teens relying on behavior change theory and funded by Facebook-owned Oculus.